Thursday, March 21, 2024 9am to 10:30am
About this Event
With Rachana Bhave, CTL; Kelly Gildersleeve, CTL; Kalpana Gupta, CTL; Amanda McAndrew, ASSSTT
Alternative methods in grading and assessment offer flexibility in ways to measure student learning while increasing student motivation and value for learning. As part of the Alternative Grading series in Spring’ 24, we will dive deeper into understanding the characteristics of each grading method and exploring the contexts and types of courses they may be relevant for. Participants will have the opportunity to revise an existing assessment or assignment of choice from a course you teach or are planning to teach.
Participants have the flexibility to attend all sessions of the series or attend any single session as a standalone option. See below for upcoming sessions and to RSVP indivdiaully for each of the sessions you are interested in.
Upcoming sessions:
Thursday, February 22 from 9:00 a.m.-10:30 a.m. MT: Specification Grading and Ungrading Approaches, RSVP here
Alternative methods in grading and assessment offer flexibility in ways to assess student learning while also increasing student motivation and value for learning. Among the several approaches to alternative grading, Specifications grading and Ungrading are the two most common approaches used by instructors. In this session we will dive deeper into the characteristics of each of these grading methods and explore the contexts and types of courses they may be relevant for. Participants will have the opportunity to revise an existing assessment or assignment of choice from a course they teach or are planning to teach.
Thursday, March 21 from 9:00 a.m.-10:30 a.m. MT: Contract Grading and Labor-based Grading Approaches, RSVP here
Contract and labor-based grading are two related alternative grading approaches that help emphasize learning process, student agency and open instructor-student communication in how learning is assessed. However, there are some nuances to the context and courses for which they may be best implemented. In this session, we will provide a detailed overview of the two grading approaches, emphasizes the similarities and differences between these methods and explore ways in which these may be implemented in the classroom. Participants will have the opportunity to identify ways in which these approaches are relevant to their own courses and revise an existing assessment of choice based on principles discussed.
These events are in-person however, you are welcome to join on Zoom to listen in. Please note, we will not be monitoring the Zoom chat.