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1669 Euclid Avenue, Boulder, CO 80309

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The Creative Writing Association, in partnership with the Cultural Events Board and the English Department at CU Boulder, is proud to present a reading by jayy dodd! This is the first of two installments of the Poetry Month Reading Series (so stay tuned!) This event is free and open to the public.


    ACCESSIBILITY: Venue is wheelchair accessible; sign language interpretation

    available by request


    ABOUT JAYY: jayy dodd is a blxk trans womxn from los angeles, california–

    now based in Portland, OR. she is a literary & performance artist. their work

    has appeared / will appear in zines & classrooms & basements & bookstores &

    over there probably. her words are award-nominated & are generally

    controversial. she is also a volunteer gender-terrorist, artificial

    intellectual, & wilderness prophet on the end times. find them talking trash

    online or taking a selfie.

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