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The 52nd Arctic Workshop planned for April 19-22, 2023, has been postponed to 2024. The International Arctic Workshop, founded by INSTAAR, is a friendly, informal, and relaxed conference open to all students and professionals interested in the polar regions.

2023 Info
Workshop background info

University of Massachusetts-Amherst  
Campus Hotel and Conference Center
Department of Earth, Geographic, and Climate Sciences & Climate System Research Center 

With student “Registration and Hotel” support from the U.S. National Science Foundation

Wednesday April 19th – evening Ice Breaker and Welcome
Thursday and Friday April 20-21 – talks and poster sessions 
Friday Night – April 21 – Workshop Dinner and Keynote Speaker 
Saturday April 22 – Morning talks ending at noon.
Saturday April 22—Optional afternoon local Quaternary field trip and boxed lunch

Exact times TBD.

Registration:   Go to our Home page at

NSF Sponsored Student Registration and Hotel Grant: 
We are happy to offer 20 – travel grants to cover Registration and Hotel costs. You must be willing to present a poster or a talk and lodge at the UMass Campus Hotel. Preference will be given to students from underrepresented groups. 

  • Manan Dhanteja
  • Vlad Amihaesei

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