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ATLAS welcomes special guest and CU Engineering Scholar in Residence, Ken Krechmer for a seminar on Open Standards. Digital communications is both pervasive and vital across the world. This creates a growing public interest in the technical standards that proscribe digital communications. The public desires, "Open Standards." But "Open Standards," means very different things to different groups. This talk, linking policy with technology, reviews the different needs of creators, developers/implementers and users of technical standards and presents ten different requirements of Open Standards. (Light lunch to follow)

Ken Krechmer is a Scholar in Residence in the College of Engineering and Applied Science at CU Boulder. Ken Krechmer started his technical career working as an engineer for several electronics companies in the 1960s and 1970s. After founding one electronics company and working in sales and marketing for three others, he began standards consulting in 1980.  He participated in the development of the International Telecommunications Union Recommendations for Group 3 facsimile (T.30), data modems (V.8, V.8bis, V.32, V.32bis, V.34, V.90), and Digital Subscriber Line transceivers (G.994.1) as well as the related US national standards.

He was a founder and the technical editor of Communications Standards Review and Communications Standards Summary 1990 -2002.  In 1995 and 2000 he won first prize at the World Standards Day paper competition. In 2006 he received a joint second prize in the IEC Centenary Challenge paper competition.  In 2012 he received first prize in the IEC Centenary Challenge paper competition.  In 2009 he was adjunct lecturer at the University of Colorado, Boulder, CO, USA, where he taught a three-credit unit graduate engineering course on standards.  He was Program Chair of the Standards and Innovation in Information Technology (SIIT) conference in 2001 (Boulder, CO), 2003 (Delft, Netherlands) and 2007 (Calgary, Canada); and was a co-Program Chair of SIIT 2009 (Tokyo, Japan) and SIIT 2011 (Berlin, Germany).  He was Conference Chair of SIIT 2115 (Sunnyvale, CA, USA). He is a Senior Member of the IEEE.

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