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Muenzinger Auditorium is located west of Folsom Stadium on Colorado Ave. The closest parking is pay lot 360 next to Duane Tower., Boulder, CO 80309
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In celebration of the 50th anniversary of ENTER THE DRAGON, the International Film Series is hosting a retrospective on the legendary Bruce Lee.

For this event, the IFS is screening all of Lee's headlining filmography during his short, but nonetheless gamechanging career. Each film will be proceeded by a short introduction that provides context for the film being screened. THis can include the state of Chinese cinema at the time, the influence of Lee on the martial arts world, how the film reflects Chinese culture of the time, and even addressing how the film world reacted to Lee's untimely death.


Wednesday, November 29th - THE BIG BOSS - Bruce Lee's cinematic breakthrough film, in which he plays a factory worker holding onto a promise to remain nonviolent but is pushed beyond his limits when his friends are attacked by the factory forman.

Thursday, November 30th - FIST OF FURY - Note: This screening will take place in the VAC basement auditorium! - a classic within martial arts-cinema, which even today stands undefeated as one of the true milestones of the genre. Combining Bruce Lee's skill as an athlete and an actor along with Lo Wei's directing abilities, "Fist of Fury" becomes a gripping tale about rebellion in times of oppression.

Friday, December 1st - THE WAY OF THE DRAGON - Special intro by Scott Livengood - Bruce Lee's directorial debut, which sees him protecting a family-owned resteraunt in Rome. This film introduces us to Lee's signature nunchaku use for the first time and concludes with an absolutely amazing final fight against Chuck Norris in the Colosseum.

Saturday, December 2nd - ENTER THE DRAGON - Special introduction by Dennis Phelps - The one and only, celebrating its 50th anniversary. This iconic production was the first US production by Lee as he began his trek into american studios, but was sadly released posthumously as Lee died unexpectedly shortly after filming concluded.

Sunday - December 3rd - GAME OF DEATH - A complicated film, released years after Lee's death and containing many questionable decisions to hide the fact that its main star had died. Ironically this film also introduced the world to Lee's most iconic look of the yellow jumpsuit. Included in this screening will be the short film lovingly edited together by fans that represents the movie Lee originally intended to make.

  • Joseph Cacciatore

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