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1085 18th Street, Boulder, CO 80309

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King Exhibition and Open Studio Events
Applications now being accepted!

Application due: Jan. 24, 2020 (midnight)
Notification of acceptance: Feb. 14


Apply today!  

The King exhibition is a competitive opportunity for grads and undergrads to display work for a broader audience during the Conference of World Affairs and the department's Open Studios event in April.

Guest jurors will choose six students to award a $1,000 scholarship, three undergraduate students and three grads. After the work is juried a curated exhibition (by AAH grads) will hang throughout the Visual Arts Complex.

Exhibition Timeline:

  • Installation: March 20 - 30 (includes Spring Break)
  • Exhibition on view: March 31 - April 10
  • Finalist Walk-Through & Artist Talks: April 9th, 2-4 pm
  • Open Studios event: Thursday, April 9th, 5-8 pm  (scholarship winners announced)
  • Deinstall (Strike): April 10 - 12

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