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Emotions drive much of what we, as humans, do. Discover how to effectively manage your emotions, build strong interpersonal relationships, and navigate workplace challenges with empathy and resilience. Join Roel Snieder as he guides you through the development of emotional intelligence skills that will elevate your career and personal success.


This workshop will be led by Roel Snieder. Roel Snieder is Professor of Professional Development Education at the Colorado School of Mines, as well as a licensed Freedom Coach. As a scientist, he worked for many years with people who tend to live in their head, relying on their analytical thinking. Roel has personally experienced the process of transformation to the fullness of living from the head and from the heart. Over the years he has counseled many people in this process and developed and taught classes on Wellness and on Science and Spirituality at Mines. Roel wrote a book on living a harmonious and fulfilling life for scientists and engineers, The Joy of Science: Seven Principles for Scientists Seeking Happiness, Harmony, and Success. He received the Beno Gutenberg Medal for his research from the European Seismological Society. He received the Outstanding Educator Award from the Society of Exploration Geophysicists, and the Ange Melagro Prize of the McBride Honors Program at the Colorado School of Mines for his outstanding class Science and Spirituality.


This workshop is hosted by Colorado School of Mines and is being shared with other institutions across Colorado as part of the GradCO Consortium's Professional Development Series. 

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