Thursday, December 3, 2020 7pm to 9:30pm
About this Event
This is the weekly meeting of the University of Colorado Boulder Student Government (CUSG). At these meetings, the nine (9) Representatives-At-Large and eighteen (18) Senators join to evaluate legislation and set policy for CUSG. The Representatives also sit on Representative Council, with five being elected during the Fall Elections and four being elected during the Spring Elections. The Council of Colleges and Schools are elected by their individual college or school student governments; each CU Boulder local school is represented by two School Senators. At these meetings, the CU students, staff, and faculty are allowed to comment or make statements to the legislators during the public hearing at the beginning of the meeting. Everyone is allowed to stay and listen to all portions of the meeting if you wish to do so. Please contact to get the zoom link to our online meetings happening this summer due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
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