Tuesday, November 28, 2023 5pm to 6pm
About this Event
1669 Euclid Avenue, Boulder, CO 80309
https://www.colorado.edu/cwa/get-involvedThere are many ways to get involved with the Conference on World Affairs year-round or during conference week. The CWA Program Committee is composed of CU students, faculty, staff and Boulder community members who volunteer their time to consider the crucial issues of the day, research candidates for CWA, and create exciting panels that will challenge our audiences.
The 2024 CU Conference on World Affairs is scheduled April 10-12, 2024. We’ll do what CWA does best—bring a diverse and eclectic lens to the issues and opportunities.
We’re looking for volunteers to join the Program Committee, which identifies speakers and plans CWA 2024.
The Business committee (Bus) takes a multidisciplinary approach to provide a business perspective to the Conference on World Affairs. Whether you're interested in geopolitics, sustainability, finance, or any other niche, it can all be explored in the Business Committee! We use many disciplines to discuss a large variety of topics and how they can be applied to real-world business situations. The business committee seeks to connect people, departments, and interests by creating engaging and relevant panels that provide value to students and community members. If you're interested in discussing many topics through a business lens, stop by one of our committee meetings!
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