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Resiliency is instrumental to sustainability, endurance, and long-term success. Luckily, there are many different skills you can learn to help build a resiliency practice.  One of the most important aspects of resiliency is the creation and development of habits. 

This Summer, join Leslie Blood, PhD, Director of Graduate Community and Program Development, to focus on determining which habits move us towards alignment and then putting them into practice. With a little help, frequency will increase duration, and duration will improve output and intensity. Come challenge yourself, build new habits and lower your resistance while increasing your resilience.  

This 8-week virtual series will run from June 7 through August 2nd on Tuesdays from 11am-12pm (no programming will take place on July 5). 

Completing this registration form will ensure your spot in the summer seminar series. Please submit your registration by Wednesday, June 1. If you would like to join after that date, reach out to

All graduate students welcome!

Zoom link will be provided upon registration