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With Loren Hough, Associate Professor, Physics and Faculty Director of DEAI in the Graduate School and Preston Cumming, Professional Development Lead, CTL. These trainings are co-hosted by the Center for Teaching and Learning and the Graduate School.
Participants have the flexibility to attend all sessions of the series or attend any single session as a standalone option. See below for upcoming sessions and to RSVP indivdiaully for each of the sessions you are interested in.
Upcoming sessions:
Friday, January 26 from 3:00 p.m.-4:30 p.m. MT - Addressing Equity and Inclusion, RSVP here
- Diversity, in many dimensions, offers both challenges and opportunities to any relationship. Learning to identify, reflect upon, learn from, and engage with diverse perspectives is essential to fostering effective mentoring relationships and vibrant intellectual environments.
Friday, March 1 from 3:00 p.m.-4:30 p.m. MT - Fostering Mental Health and Well-being, RSVP here
- Graduate students experience high rates of anxiety and depression that can result in strained mentor-mentee relationships, slowed degree progress, and other more serious outcomes. Mentors usually are not trained mental health professionals, though we do often have close professional relationships with mentees. Building a strong understanding of the boundaries of your responsibilities with regard to mentee mental health is critical to positive experiences for both the mentor and mentee. Learn how to provide a professional and mentally healthy work environment.
Friday, March 22 from 3:00 p.m.-4:30 p.m. MT - Fostering Professional Development, RSVP here
- A goal of most mentoring situations is to enable the mentee to identify and achieve both academic and professional outcomes. Though learning to do disciplinary research, entrepreneurship, or creative artistry is an important academic outcome in mentoring relationships, there are many other outcomes that will influence a mentee’s future career. Mentors should consciously consider and support their mentees to achieve these other outcomes as well.
Friday, April 26 from 3:00 p.m.-4:30 p.m. MT - Mentoring Capstone: Building out your Mentoring Philosophy, RSVP here
- Reflecting upon your mentoring relationships is a vital part of becoming a more effective mentor. This is especially important following mentor training so that you can consider how to implement changes in your mentoring practice based on the training. Reflection on your mentoring practice at regular intervals is strongly encouraged.