Friday, November 16, 2018 12:30pm to 1:30pm
About this Event
4001 Discovery Dr., Boulder, CO 80309 #Environmental Engineering; SeminarsTitle: "Innovations in Water and Sanitation Impact Measurement"
Speaker: Evan Thomas, Associate Professor, Director, Mortenson Center in Global Engineering, CU Boulder
Thomas is the director of the Mortenson Center in Global Engineering and holds the Mortenson Endowed Chair in Global Engineering at CU Boulder as an associate professor in the Civil, Environmental and Architectural Engineering Department. He
has a PhD in aerospace engineering sciences from CU Boulder, is a registered professional engineer, and has a master's in public health from the Oregon Health and Science University.
Thomas' technical background is in water and air testing and treatment applied in developing communities through to operational spacecraft. He founded SweetSense Inc., which is
supported by USAID and the National Science Foundation to develop and apply satellite-connected sensors monitoring drinking water services. Daily, the team is monitoring over a
million people’s water supply across East Africa. His research has been funded by NASA, the National Science Foundation, the World Bank, USAID, the UN Foundation, the CDC, the United
Kingdom Department for International Development, the Gates Foundation and others.
Thomas was a civil servant at the NASA-Johnson Space Center in Houston, Texas, from 2004 to 2010. At NASA, Thomas was an aerospace engineer working on microgravity fluid management
technologies and water recovery systems for spacecraft hardware flying on the Space Shuttle and International Space Station.
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