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Feb 20, 5pm, Atlas 311 Curator Guha Shankar

Presentation of Death and Life in Southwest Georgia: Glen Pearcy’s Lens on the Black Freedom Struggle.

The Brakhage Center for Media Arts is hosting a special visit by Guha Shankar (of the Civil Rights History Project and American Folklife Center) to present Death and Life in Southwest Georgia: Glen Pearcy’s Lens on the Black Freedom Struggle. Shankar will be sharing works of civil rights activist and progressive filmmaker Glen Pearcy, whose work includes One More River to Cross, an incisive documentary exploration of iniquities in the justice system produced during the Southwest Georgia Project of 1968, as well as discussing his role as project curator and archivist.

Guha Shankar, folklife specialist and co-director of the Civil Rights History Project, American Folklife Center, Library of Congress. He serves as project coordinator of Ancestral Voices, a collaborative curatorial initiative with indigenous communities and co-directs the national Civil Rights History Project. Shankar also teaches documentary field methods in university and community settings, writes for a range of publications, and provides research and reference assistance to a variety of patrons. His research interests include diasporic community formations in the Caribbean, ethnographic media, visual representation, and performance studies.

Human Rights and Social Justice Curator Series
Part of the Mellon/ACLS Scholars and Society Speaker Series on visual media, justice and human rights, this series is hosted by the College of Media, Communication and Information at CU Boulder and supported by the Brakhage Center for Media Arts, the Center for Humanities and the Arts, the Department of English and the Department of Ethnic Studies.

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