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1157 18th Street, Boulder, CO 80309
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OIT is offering weekly Introduction to Microsoft Teams workshops on Fridays from 12 pm to 1 pm in Norlin M210. You can also join remotely using the Microsoft Teams meeting link (below).  The Lunch & Learn style workshops will begin on Friday, January 31.

The Introduction to Microsoft Teams will cover the items below, as well as allow time for a general Q&A:

    •    Overview of the Teams client
    •    Where to find more information about Teams
    •    How to request a Team
    •    Chat and calling with Teams
    •    Using Teams for meetings and collaboration
    •    Accessibility issues in Teams

Norlin M210 has limited capacity, so if you prefer to join in-person, please use this form to RSVP for a spot. The Norlin M210 conference room is located just past the circulation desk near the Norlin west entrance doors. Norlin second floor map. To join one of the sessions remotely using the Microsoft Teams client click here at the start of the workshop.

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