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1440 15th Street

Dr. Terry Cannon–co-author of the classic text, At Risk: Natural Hazards, People’s Vulnerability, and Disasters–will be presenting his latest research at the Institute for Behavioral Science on Tuesday, March 21.

Most research and practice work in disaster risk reduction (DRR) is based on the assumption that it reduces vulnerability or mitigate hazards. Research is supposedly ‘taken up’ by governments and relevant institutions and used to inform DRR policy. Donors, NGOs and other actors supposedly engage in activities that reduce disaster risk. This talk upsets these comforting assumptions. It argues that government and the private sector are much more likely to create disasters than to reduce them.

Please join us either in person or via Zoom for what promises to be a lively and interesting lecture! You can use this link to learn more about Dr. Cannon and read the full abstract for his talk.

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You may also join via Zoom. Please email for the Zoom link and password prior to the event.

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