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David Bortz and Nancy Rodriguez, Department of Applied Mathematics, University of Colorado Boulder

Overview of Math Biology Research in the Applied Math Department

David Bortz will give an overview of the math bio group here in the Applied Math Department. He will also describe his research group and our investigations into the methodology of data-driven modeling and model selection as applied to biological systems including bacterial community population dynamics and biomechanics, cellular migration, infectious diseases, and designs for an artificial pancreas.  Zack Kilpatrick’s group develops and analyzes mathematical and computational models describing behavioral strategies humans and other animals use to make decisions about what they see and where to forage. The mathematical methods he uses include nonlinear and stochastic analysis for integrodifferential equation models of neuronal networks as well as statistical inference for deriving, fitting, and comparing Bayesian evidence-accumulation models.

Nancy Rodriguez will discuss the connection between partial differential equations and complex systems.  She will focus on a few project her group is currently pursuing, including the study of different movements in Ecology, 

spatiotemporal dynamics of protests, the existence and stability of traveling wave solutions, and periodic epidemic models.    

  • Nestor Science

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