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University of Colorado Law School and via Livestream, Wittemyer Courtroom View map $100 for the eight-week series (discounts available for CU faculty, staff, and students as well as K-12 teachers)

2450 Kittredge Loop Drive, Boulder, CO 80309
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The University of Colorado Law School’s popular Mini Law School launches its seventh season this fall with a brand-new curriculum that addresses some of today’s most pressing legal issues. ​Taught ​by ​Colorado ​Law ​faculty, ​​Mini ​Law ​School ​explores ​a ​different ​area ​of ​the ​law ​each ​week:

  • Who is the "Public" in Federal Public Lands?
  • Over-Incarceration in America - Safety or Scam?
  • Bad Lawyering
  • The Ever-Changing Face of Immigration Law
  • What is International Law?
  • The Government's Speech and the Constitution
  • The Confrontation Clause
  • Artificial Intelligence and Law

Mini ​Law ​School ​is ​an ​eight-week ​series designed to help ​non-lawyers ​​better ​understand ​some ​of ​the ​most ​interesting ​aspects ​of ​our ​legal ​system.

The registration fee for the entire series is $100 and participants who view at least six of the eight sessions receive a Mini Law School Certificate (no academic credit is received for participation). There are no required readings, tests, or homework assignments. Register here.

Discounts are available for CU faculty, staff, and students as well as K-12 teachers (email for more information). 

Ways to Participate:

1. Attend the live lectures on Tuesday evenings, Sept. 11 through Nov. 13. Class is from 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. and is held in the Wittemyer Courtroom at the Wolf Law Building on the Boulder campus.

2. Watch via livestream at CU South Denver in Parker, Colorado on the same dates and times.

3. For those for whom neither Boulder nor Parker is convenient, we also have Livestream and recorded viewing options. Participants selecting those options will receive the class materials and a link to the lecture weekly and can watch at their own pace and at the location of their choosing.

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