Wednesday, December 1, 2021 12pm to 1pm
About this Event
Learn how to strengthen your immune system to help prevent the flu naturally. This talk will highlight which foods and nutrients can protect you and your family and which foods and habits can decrease immune function. If the flu, or even colds, runs rampart through the office each season, these tips can help keep everyone healthier. There is no cost to attend.
Learning Outcomes
Participants will be able to:
Who Should Attend
This workshop is intended for any CU Boulder faculty or staff member who wants to learn more about staying healthy during cold and flu season
Jen Marshall, CNT & Elevations Credit Union
As a certified nutrition therapist at the Louisville Wellness Center and founder of Be Balanced Healing, LLC, Jen’s specialty is helping clients regain balance while juggling life’s many responsibilities. Her background in marketing for the organic food industry helped shape her knowledge of today’s food politics and how they impact your health. She received the master certification in nutrition therapy from Nutrition Therapy Institute in Denver and is Board Certified in Holistic Nutrition (Candidate). Jen is also a health writer, lecturer, media spokesperson and consultant to organic and natural brands.
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