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Who: Faculty and Staff
When: Wednesday, September 12, 2018, Noon - 1:30pm
Where: University Memorial Center (UMC) Aspen Rooms
RSVP: Due September 5
Lunch is provided.


Interested in applying for a Packard Fellowship or a Keck Research or Education Grant? All early-career faculty are invited to a conversation on the David and Lucile Packard Foundation Fellowships and the W.M. Keck Foundation Research and Education Grants. Previous Packard Fellows and Keck grant recipients will share about their successful experiences and will be available to answer questions. CU Boulder's Office of Advancement will also provide information about what types of projects each foundation is looking to fund, and how to put together a successful application.

Please note that the Packard Fellowships and Keck Research and Education Grants are limited submission funding opportunities requiring an internal competition to determine the applicant(s) that will submit proposals to each foundation. This workshop will be a great opportunity to learn about how to put together a competitive proposal in advance of the internal competition deadline for each opportunity.


Space is limited, so register now! Lunch is provided.

This workshop is eligible to meet PI Academy program requirements.

Interested in other Research & Innovation Office workshops? Click here for a list of all upcoming workshops!

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View map Free Event

Who: Faculty and Staff
When: Wednesday, September 12, 2018, Noon - 1:30pm
Where: University Memorial Center (UMC) Aspen Rooms
RSVP: Due September 5
Lunch is provided.


Interested in applying for a Packard Fellowship or a Keck Research or Education Grant? All early-career faculty are invited to a conversation on the David and Lucile Packard Foundation Fellowships and the W.M. Keck Foundation Research and Education Grants. Previous Packard Fellows and Keck grant recipients will share about their successful experiences and will be available to answer questions. CU Boulder's Office of Advancement will also provide information about what types of projects each foundation is looking to fund, and how to put together a successful application.

Please note that the Packard Fellowships and Keck Research and Education Grants are limited submission funding opportunities requiring an internal competition to determine the applicant(s) that will submit proposals to each foundation. This workshop will be a great opportunity to learn about how to put together a competitive proposal in advance of the internal competition deadline for each opportunity.


Space is limited, so register now! Lunch is provided.

This workshop is eligible to meet PI Academy program requirements.

Interested in other Research & Innovation Office workshops? Click here for a list of all upcoming workshops!

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