Wednesday, March 10, 2021 9am to 10am
About this Event
Presented by: Patricia Rankin, University of Colorado, Boulder
Abstract: Physicists at heart are problem solvers. This talk looks at how a precision measurement of the mass and width of the Z0 required a variety of problem-solving approaches driven by a need to adapt to changing expectations. Next, I will discuss a more general framework for thinking about the types of problems we encounter and ways to approach them. This framework and the need for us to work on grand challenge problems such as climate change motivates the final part of my talk which will discuss the ways we need to reconsider both how we train the students we have and how we approach the recruiting and retention of physicists in general.
Host: Michael Ritzwoller
Please note all presentations are password protected. Please contact Veronica Lingo to pre-register for this and each colloquium you'd like to attend.
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