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Startup to Scaleup: Join us for year four of this five year series to learn how to shift out of the startup phase and into "what's next".

About this event: Join us on Friday, July 22nd (6:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.) and Saturday, July 23rd (8:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.) for this interactive certificate course! Learn how to shift out of the startup phase and into "what's next".

This event is for anyone interested in launching his or her own business or improving upon an existing business, as well as local government leaders seeking to help innovate within their organizations.

What is it?

  • Taught by award winning faculty members at the Leeds School of Business, Center for Entrepreneurship, Erick Mueller and Hunter Albright
  • Two-day interactive course
  • Learn how to innovate and grow your business or team
  • Hear from local entrepreneurs and heros about their journey
  • Take learned outcomes from the University of Colorado's Demysitfying Entrepreneurship course and shift from developing a successful startup toward organizational growth and development

Learning Objectives:

  • Developing growth and marketing strategies to further your concept
  • Recognizing the process for scaleup finance and funding
  • Testing the viability, readiness and evaluation process of your idea
  • Establishing an understanding for a necessary small business infrastructure including: human resources, systems & processes, automation and in-house/contract evaluation

Take it from past participants why you should attend:

  • "This was truly a valuable and engaging day.  The content was bite sized enough to satisfy everyone from idea stage to ongoing concern" - 2020 Attendee NE CO
  • "The vision for my business is possible! And I learned how to make it happen!" - 2020 Attendee SE CO


  • Receive tips and tricks for scaling up and stumbling less
  • Understand how to advance your concept to the "next level"
  • Learn how to think, feel, and act like a true "ScaleUp Superstar"

Cost: The registration fee for the event is $75.00. A limited number of scholarships are available for the event. If you are interested in a scholarship, please email Trae Miller ( and share a bit about your business concept and how a scholarship would be beneficial to you. Trae will review your request and confirm attendance.

Contact: Trae Miller 970-520-1283

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