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This interactive session explores the concept of implicit or unconscious bias – what it is, where it comes from, and how, despite our best intentions, it’s not a question of if we have implicit biases – but what implicit biases do we have? Session concludes with an exploration of how to combat these biases with awareness and skills.

Presented by Dr. Kyle Oldham from CSU's Housing and Dining.

This event is in partnership with CSU. CU Boulder students can register by clicking on the registration link to the right. Once you register, you will receive the Zoom information. Questions? Contact

Once you regiter, you will receive the Zoom information via email.

User Activity

I registered, but did not receive the link to attend. Seems like a disconnect between CSU and CU. The registration form was not designed to include CU participants.

This interactive session explores the concept of implicit or unconscious bias – what it is, where it comes from, and how, despite our best intentions, it’s not a question of if we have implicit biases – but what implicit biases do we have? Session concludes with an exploration of how to combat these biases with awareness and skills.

Presented by Dr. Kyle Oldham from CSU's Housing and Dining.

This event is in partnership with CSU. CU Boulder students can register by clicking on the registration link to the right. Once you register, you will receive the Zoom information. Questions? Contact

Once you regiter, you will receive the Zoom information via email.

User Activity

I registered, but did not receive the link to attend. Seems like a disconnect between CSU and CU. The registration form was not designed to include CU participants.