About this Event
Are you a procrastinator who suffers from writing anxiety? Is writing leaving you in isolation?
Join other graduate students for an online writing bootcamp that will provide the time and community needed to finish that final push on your writing before the summer semester begins. A writing consultant from the Writing Center will also be available for one-on-one meetings to workshop papers, as well as chapters of dissertations and theses. If you are having trouble making dedicated time for your writing, this is for you!
Open to ALL graduate students!
From May 26-29, 2020 we will hold the writing retreat over Zoom. Each morning at 8 am, Dr. Sarah Tynen will hold a 10-minute lesson arranged to help with writing productivity and tips. Students will then design and share their daily writing goal with breakout groups. Writing will begin at 8:30 am. At 11:30 am, participants will reconvene via Zoom in breakout groups to share their writing progress and tips with their peers. Students will have the option to participate in peer exchange of drafts as well.
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Meeting ID: 967 6829 1759
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