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Zhishen Huang, Department of Applied Mathematics, Doctoral Candidate

'Randomisation for Statistical Machine Learning'

Supervised learning and reinforcement learning problems are eventually formulated as optimisation problems for training. The optimisation algorithms themselves bear interest from the mathematical point of view. This talk discusses the usage of randomisation in optimisation, which renders what used to be impossible for deterministic optimisation algorithms possible.

  The first part of the talk considers the minimisation of nonconvex and nonsmooth objectives, where we give probabilistic guarantees for the perturbed proximal gradient descent algorithm to converge to local minima. A variation of the randomisation format is discussed later where Gaussian noise is injected to each gradient descent step. We point out the ergodicity property of such variation, which is not available for a deterministic version of gradient descent, thus revealing the potential of randomised algorithms for global optimisation.

  The second part of the talk considers using the sketching technique to compress data and evaluate statistics solely based on the sketched dataset. We give theoretical guarantees for the evaluation accuracy of autocorrelation from data sketches and demonstrate numerical performance on the methanol ensemble MD simulation data and the synthetic data.

  • Mr. Sathish Compscience - IADCA

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